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Top 5 Interview Preparation Tips to Ace Your Next Interview

It is essential you are well prepared for an interview if you want to increase your chances of success and getting a new job.


Here are my top 5 interview preparation tips


1. Research the company

Sound simple and you would think a quick look at the website would tick this box. I mean really understand what the company does, how they do it, what their values are, how they communicate, who they work with and more. Yes, look at their website but also their social media posts, who works there, check out their LinkedIn prole and see if there is any news worthy posts about them. Check out what is happening in the industry they work in; can you spot any of their competitors or see their clients? Learn everything you can about the company.

Why? It demonstrates you are interested and a great skill– research. It will also help you answer questions with relevance. You will also be able to have a 2 way conversation with your interviewer.


2. Know the role

Read the job description and ensure you understand the tasks and experience the role requires. Consider where the role sits in the company.

What is the aim of the job is. Think about why you want this job, in this company at this stage in your career. Also if someone else is doing this job in the company check out their LinkedIn posts to gain deeper insight into the role.


3. Highlight Your Achievements

Prepare examples of your past achievements and experiences that highlight your skills and capabilities that are relevant to this position. The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) is really useful to help to structure your responses and provide specifc evidence of your abilities.
Persuading your interviewers why you are a great applicant for the role is much easier when you can evidence relevant achievements! If you know the company and understand the job role well enough you can select successes that will resonate with the clients.


4. Prepare answers to frequently asked interview questions

Practice how you will answer some of the most obvious interview questions, such as “Tell me about yourself,” “What do you know about us?” and “Why are you interested in this job” It’s helpful to practice your responses out loud or role play with a friend or recruiter but these shouldn’t sound rehearsed! Preparation will allow you to organise your thoughts and bring the most important information to the forefront of your mind.


5. Prepare your Questions for the Interviewer(s)

Prepare 4/5 questions to ask the interviewers. Make these questions relevant, specifc to the role and company. You can use your questions to highlight you have researched the role and organisation. Prepare thoughtful questions that show your interest in the role and company and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position. Try not to ask the generic questions every candidate will ask. Its also useful to have a few prepared in case some of the information is already shared during the interview. Use this moment to stand out!


Remember to remain calm, positive and SMILE!


These are my top 5 vital tips to ensuring you perform well at your next interview. It’s not easy, but by remembering to show your passion for the role, your knowledge of the company and its industry, as well as reinforcing your main selling points as a candidate, you can improve your chances of being chosen for the job.

If you would like any advice or support with your interview preparation or finding a new job in events please get in contact:


Telephone: 0203 488 2620


About Jackson Barnes Recruitment

Jackson Barnes Recruitment delivers international recruitment solutions within the events, media, and publishing sectors. Jackson Barnes recruits Graduate to MD level in the following positions:
Conference producer
Event Marketing
Sales – delegate, sponsorship & Business Development
Event Manager

We recruit for organisations in the UK and overseas with success in London, Dubai, New York, Singapore and Australia


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