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Top 7 Practices to support change in the Workplace

Our Top 7 Practices to support change in the Workplace

Here are our top 7 steps leaders can adopt to engage employees and create buy-in for change in the workplace. There are many more but these are the most commonly highlighted practices from successful leaders across multiple industries including event, recruitment, marketing and IT services:

  1. Define the WHY. Clearly communicate the purpose behind the change so employees can see the value and relevance of their contributions
  2. Repeat the message through consistent communication. Repetition helps reinforce the message and keeps it at the forefront of your team’s mind
  3. Create a sense of urgency. Leaders should explain the consequences of not embracing the changes
  4. Ask for input, feedback and involve your employees. When people feel heard and valued, they are more likely to be invested in the changes
  5. Provide people with support and the resources to help them implement the changes successfully. Don’t shy away from addressing concerns or barriers instead alleviate resistance and help employees feel confident in their ability to adapt
  6. Lead by example. If leaders actively demonstrate their commitment to the new strategy it will reinforce the value of the new direction and inspire employees to follow
  7. Recognise and celebrate progress and success. Leaders should acknowledge and celebrate their team’s efforts and achievements to keep them motivated to continue their engagement

The events industry is changing all the time, and retaining staff during periods of change can be tricky.

These simple 7 practices will contribute to a culture of understanding, engagement, and commitment among teams.

Please let us know if you have any tips on how you have implemented change successfully in the workplace